
„I hope that your exceptionally different approach will contribute to a complex and direct encounter of a lot of people with art. I believe that this is a very important and noble thing to do.“

Michail Gorbatschow,
Awarded the Nobel peace prize

„Evolution museum that shows the visitors art history by leading him through different culture epochs with the help of art formula, creativity and innovations, will be a great attraction for tourists and Americans in the USA.“

Daniel Libeskind
Architekt, New York

„Liedtke is an extremely creative man“

„The Formula is todays Revolution in Art“

Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann
Internationaler Ausstellungsmacher
(Documenta Kassel und Biennale Venedig)

„On this occasion, the determining question is the storage from consciousness and intelligence. Certainly there exist for this mechanisms, even if she examines academically still hardly, never mind are understood.
The meaning of the formula "Life + consciousness = art" if just the definition of this gap is in the current ones scientific consideration. If it the mechanisms to the inheritance of knowledge and experiences gives, if they become also accessible of the scientific research. The specific intervention possible thereby and the rapid acceleration of the biocultural evolution would probably become all today's possibilities of the Klonens put far back in the shade. Exactly looked the art formula art open describes

"Life + heightening of awareness = art"
maybe even a theoretical draught to the biocultural evolution of the person all together.“

Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

„I have come to the result that there is no possibility to do something for the people, as from the art. In addition I need an educational concept and I need an epistemological concept and I must act. So these are immediately three things which belong under a roof. During J. Beuys for the evolution of his "social plastic", of the social consciousness, after the things did research, if Liedtke develops the epistemological concept in request, the educational concept and acts afterwards.“

Prof. Joseph Beuys

„One could think of an evolutionary achievement, if once fictitiously and introduced, himself allows.“

„Liedtke modifies and extends the framework of well- known theories. His new scientific theories are at the same time both conditions and products of his own activity. One comes to think about evolutionary achie- vements, which, once invented and introduced, enable their existence. Extrapolating their results to the system of modern society, which can accept or reject these achievements, one sees the result of evolution." Liedtke Erkentnisse and works of art require the construction of an observer, i.e. God, for which the time is as whole of all times presence“

Philosoph Prof. Niklas Luhmann

„We examined the concept of the artopen very carefully and noticed that the artformulaof D.W.Liedtke can also be applied to music and history. We share his future-inspiring opinion that the 4th dimension, the approach of understanding art and music, will be enteredthrough the artformula in connection with the multimedia exhibition artopen by all the people. Only if everybody uses and trains his creative possibilities we are going to be able to solve the problems of the future“

Prof. Dr. Franz Müller-Heuser
Präsident des Deutschen Musikrates und
Mitglied des UNESCO Musikkomitees

„The artformula is also applicable in technology. Creativity and innovation lead to new products. Only new products guarantee our survival in the future. The application of creativity and innovation opposes the continual increase of entropy.“

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schrey
Techn. Hochschule Köln